Some people like to play on-line games. Whether at home, at school or at work, they represent a fun way to kill some time. Games Fiend Toolbar is a small browser add-on that can help you quickly find the games that you want to play.
The most helpful trait of this toolbar is the fact that it offers shortcuts to some of the most popular sites like Addicting Games, Miniclip, Kongregate, SpongeBob Games etc. As these sites are loaded with a wide variety of games it will be pretty easy for you to find one that you will really like.
As most of other toolbars, Games Fiend offers a reliable search engine that will provide you with relevant links for your queries. Furthermore, you will also get a shortcut to YouTube so that you can quickly access your favorite videos.
Something that I really liked about Games Fiend Toolbar is the fact that its settings aren't only easy to utilize but also more detailed then most of the other. You can chose which component you want to keep visible, you can opt to enable or disable notifications and you can also instruct the application to keep a history of your search queries or to offer search suggestions.
Summing up, Games Fiend Toolbar is an application that I recommend to every gamer who is looking for an easy and fun way to spend some time. The only problem you may encounter is getting it to work on your browser, as I couldn't get it to install on IE and had to ignore a few errors when trying to install in on Google Chrome.
ZoneAlarm Spy Blocker tool bar is a spy blocker and search toolbar for your PC.
Moviefone Toolbar allows you to check DVD releases, showtimes and movie news.